what i learn from jesus
The path to healing runs not around suffering, but through it. The path to life runs not around death, but through it.
View Articlea prayer for good friday
Lord Jesus, forgive us for all the ways we deny you … … by remaining quiet in the shadows, not daring to speak our faith in the public arena … by quietly going about our own business, while neglecting...
View Articleemmanuel
From I Like Being Five Years Old, an entry by Debi Sanders last week on the inward/outward website: My friend Kim, who worked with Good Shepherd Ministries for the last ten years, just returned from a...
View Articleplaying it safe?
We have been studying the parables of Jesus in a Wednesday evening Bible study at church. This week, one of the parables we discussed was the parable of the three servants … Once there was a man who...
View Articlea meditation for good friday
When the disciples who were with Jesus saw what was going to happen, they asked, “Shall we use our swords, Lord?” And one of them struck the High Priest’s slave and cut off his right ear. But Jesus...
View Articleucc runs an ad
The national office of the United Church of Christ is raising $120,000 ($82,600 raised as of March 31, 12:00 noon) to run a full-page ad in Wednesday’s edition of the New York Times. The ad is a...
View Articleon earth as it is in heaven
N. T. Wright is right! The separation of religion from “real life,” the separation of faith from politics, from the push and pull of the everyday decisions that impact the lives of persons and...
View Articlegood questions!
At what point do we move past the description of all that we are against and actually take an active stand for something? When do we stop just talking about religion and wishing others would be more...
View Articleobama’s choice of rick warren
But Obama, I think, genuinely wants to do something new, something different, not to represent this constituency or that advocacy group, but to work hard at getting people talking with each other, not...
View Articlea meditation for good friday 2009
On the way they met a man named Simon, who was coming into the city from the country, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus’ cross. (Simon was from Cyrene and was the father of Alexander and...
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